Some of the capturing devices may not support all frequencies or operating modes supported by the devices being sniffed. When sniffing in the sub-1 GHz frequency bands, you need hardware that supports the operating frequencies. The following combinations of protocols and capture devices are supported: Protocol Possibility to forward captured data to a UDP socket for real time monitoring of packets using custom tools.A simple time line that displays all packets in the sequence they have been received.Address book with list of all known nodes in the network.Accurate timestamping of received packets.Packet details by display of raw data received by the radio.Select fields to be displayed and hidden.Packet sniffer for generic protocols (raw packet data).Packet sniffer for SimpliciTI™ networks.Packet sniffer for ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 networks.Packet sniffer for Bluetooth® low energy networks.The original version of Smart RF Packet Sniffer features: When prompted “Copy dissector plugins to this Wireshark installation” click OK.Run the installer executable (requires administrator privileges) and follow the instructions.Download the SmartRF Packet Sniffer 2 ZIP file to your hard drive.Install Wireshark version 3.0.x to default location on your machine.Download Wireshark version 3.0.x from.SmartRF Sniffer Agent runs on Windows 7 and Windows 10. The SmartRF Sniffer Agent is used to configure and communicate with the capture device and forwards packets to Wireshark. Dissectors for Wireshark (IEEE 802.15.4ge and TI Radio Packet Info dissectors).Firmware that enables CC13xx or CC26xx Launchpads to be used as capture device.PC tool (SmartRF Sniffer Agent) for configuration and communication with the capture device.

SmartRF Packet Sniffer 2 includes the following components: The Packet Sniffer filters and decodes packets and displays them in a convenient way, such as Wireshark for the CC13xx and CC26xx devices. The capture device is connected to the PC via USB. The SmartRF Packet Sniffer is a PC software application that can display and store radio packets captured by a listening RF device.